Event Information

Event on 2022-08-20 20:12, Bologna I, Magnitude 3.2
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Event Map for originId



Local time 2022-08-20 20:12:12
UTC Time 2022-08-20 18:12:12
Event Type earthquake
Latitude / Longitude 44.76 / 10.64
Swiss Coordinates 853359 / -38262
Magnitude 3.2
Magnitude Type ML
Location Bologna I
Depth [km] 9.2
Location Type manual
Agency INGV
Last Update 20-08-2022 18:40:44
Danger level 1 (as defined by federal agencies with responsibility for natural hazards)
Origin ID & Metadata smi:webservices.ingv.it/fdsnws/event/1/query?originId=108757211
Waveform Image:
waveform image, if available
Traveltime plot:
travel time plot. click to enlarge in separate window.
GSE 2.1 provisional format
QuakeML format

Ground motion estimates (ShakeMap raw data)

PGV (m/s), ESRI shp format
PGA (m/s2), ESRI shp format
EMS-98 intensity, ESRI shp format
Earthquake announcements

No announcement.

This Event in Swisstopo Viewer:
External link, opens in new tab